Tuesday, June 10, 2008

And on the 7th Day, He Rested: Pale Horse, Pale Rider

the behemoth dried tongue
split the cord wood down the weakest fault line

medicated, there was a shadow of a sudden shock-troop-trauma
whathat played out like slo mo camp counselor teaching woodcraft

as the open mouthed leviathan continued consuming
all of the wooden soldiers stood bleating cries of sudden demise

foul breathed screaming demon tore
through splintery crap
like the motherfucker he is/was

and then silence within the ranks
espirit de corpse was shattered rudely

the fateful playing of the cockadoodle doo brought a state of morning
emptied lot where something once stood brought into

beating of leathery faced winged terror flapflapflapping through broken heads arms legs torn-so

onward to a golden morn

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